

Most disputed president in US history: Trump’s 10 decisions were questioned, making 12 false claims every day on average

Most disputed president in US history: Trump’s 10 decisions were questioned, making 12 false claims every day on average


Donald Trump’s term ends on January 20.  In the next few hours, he will leave the White House and shift to his luxurious resort Mar-a-Lego in Florida.  The White House may be left out, but Trump is leaving behind him a lot of things and decisions that are not liked by ordinary Americans.  Perhaps this is the reason why he has become the only President in American democratic history against whom a motion of impeachment was twice.  Here we are talking about some important things and disputed decisions related to Trump and his tenure.

10 decisions that were disputed

1.      Israel Prem: Early in his tenure, Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.  Said – Now there will be an American Embassy in Jerusalem, not Tel Aviv.  He transformed the 70-year-old American policy into a signature.  It was strongly opposed.  Especially in Arabia and Europe.

2.      Ban on people from 7 Muslim countries: Banned entry into US of refugees from violence-hit Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Iran, Iraq, Libya and Yemen.  This angered Muslim countries.  Human rights organizations called it a barbaric decision.

3.      Changes in Embassy: This also happened for the first time, when Trump first called back US ambassadors from around 50 countries simultaneously and then replaced them with new diplomats.  There was a time when the post of US ambassador in countries like Canada and China and Saudi Arabia remained vacant for a few days.

4.      Wall on Mexico border: Decided to build 3200 km long wall to prevent infiltration and drug mafia.  A wall of 453 km has been erected.  Trump claimed that the money would be given by Mexico, but he himself had given $ 150 million from the US treasury so far.  It is believed that Biden will stop this work.

5.      Stand apart on climate change: Trump blamed countries like India and China on climate change.  Separated America from the Paris Climate Deal.  Barack Obama called the move a ‘suicide’.  Biden has promised to implement it again.

6.      Even distance from the TTP agreement: Trump kept promising and claiming to reduce China’s dominance, but he separated the US from the Trans-Pacific Partnership.  China took advantage of this because, now it is doing free trade with 12 Asian countries.  No other agreement could be reached instead.

7.      Struggle with Iran: During the Obama era, there was an agreement between America and Iran regarding the nuclear program.  Trump took the path of confrontation rather than negotiation and enforcing the agreement.  Together with Israel, he targeted famous celebrities there.  As a result, now Iran’s inclination is moving towards China.

8.      Military withdrawal: The situation in Syria and Afghanistan did not improve at all, but Trump insisted on withdrawing troops from there to gain political advantage.  It had to bear the brunt that American credibility suffered a setback in these two countries.  Pakistan began to recede through Russia in Syria and China in Afghanistan.

9.      Judge of choice in Supreme Court: Trump stubbornly insists after Justice Ginsburg’s death.  Appointed young Justice Barrett.  Misused the power for this.  Actually, they wanted a decision in their favor if the Presidential election decision reached the Supreme Court.  This situation did not come.  Trump already lost.

10.   WHO funding closed: US share of WHO’s total funding was around 40%.  Trump called the WHO a puppet of China and stopped funding.  During the pandemic period, his move was opposed at home and abroad.  Trump said – no one can ash on American taxpayers’ money.  Not at all China.

Bundle of lies

 According to a report by the Washington Post, Trump made about 10,000 false or misleading claims in the initial 827 days of his term.  By 9 July 2019, this figure has increased to 20, 055.  We are now in 2021.  It can be estimated how much this number must have been.  The special thing in this is that the most false claims were made about the election.  This is followed by the US economy and employment numbers.  On average, President Trump made 12 false claims every day.

Misuse of twitter

 Normally, the US President has been using social media and especially Twitter officially.  The same thing happened during Obama’s time, but Trump used personal account more than official account.

 According to tweetbinder.com and statista.com reports, Trump made a total of 34 thousand tweets from the official account.


Some statistics of Trump’s personal account

·        59,553 : Tweet or Retweet

·        46,919 : original tweets

·        12,634 : Retweet

·        8,89,36,841 : Followers

·        51 : Following

·        May 4, 2009 : First personal tweet

·        17,260 : Tweets made from iPhone


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