How To Create product review video tips
think media we' we done hundreds of product review videos and we' we learned
lot of lessons along the way now product review videos can be a great way to
get discovered as a small YouTube channel as well as share products that you
love and use so in this video.
I' mooing to share with you five tips to
create engaging product review videos that get views and make you money let' set
into it you got to just press record okay my name is Nolan Walt with big media
and we had a question come in and Matthew asks how to make a product review
video and so that is exactly what we' re going to be covering today.
the first tip that I want to give you Mattes
to test the product and form your opinion that when we do product review videos
or if you do product review videos you typically buy something and you already
know that you' re going to review it but you want to hold off justa little bit
and really test this thing out.
whether it's a camera whether it' s microphone
whatever it is you want totes it out and form your own opinion because people
are going to be watching this video to hear what you have to say about it and
to see what kind of experiences you' ve had with the products take your time
test this thing out and then form your opinion this indifferent than an
unboxing video or first impressions video because you' rent really giving a specific
recommendation in those types of videos but when you' re making a review video
people are coming to your video to see whether you recommend it or you don' recommend
it and they' re also wondering why and you need to know the answer to that
question before you hit record tip number two is to build a script now you want
to make sure that you put everything in the script.
so that you don' t forget something when it
comes tithe filming day and here are the things when we' re reviewing products
that we always put into our script and I' ll read that to you right now the
first one misprice you want to mention the price because when the person comes
to your review video they' re probably looking whether they should buy it or
not and so I like to start off with the price at the beginning of the script so
people know if it's too expensive it' s out of their budget they might even
just click away right there but if it' s in their budget then they might stay
and watch the entire video.
now the second thing that we cover is
the key features what about this product is useful what make sit worth buying what’re
the cool things about this product that you want to share with someone whose
looking to buy this product the third thing would be the pros I like to list
out everything I love about the product and after this I would list theocons
what about this product does network very well what do they need to add to the
product to make this thing betters well as if there are any deal-breakers that
might make someone not want to buy it you definitely wanton mention that in
your video and then the last part to add to your script would be your
conclusion your final thought do the pros outweigh the cons visit a good price
for what you get and then also talk about maybe who you would recommend the
product for so.
I think media if we' re reviewing a camera I like
to talk about who this camera is for and who it' s not for now this is definitely
just a template but feel free to add anything else to your script but Indefinitely
recommend using a scriptwriting it all down so that you don' tforget anything
when it comes to filming now if you want to watch a video on how-to build a
script you can click on the screen right now click on the card and watch that
video and that' s going to goa bit more in depth on how to build great skit
that is going to keep viewers engaged in your video tip number three that.
I would give you is to get lots of-roll so
when you' re talking about some of these key features or you' re talking about
the product being used in specific way I like to get b-roll of that because
people want to see what it' s like to use this product in ethereal world they
also want to see what you’re talking about so if you' retaking about a microphone
you want togged shots of the microphone if you' retaking about the mic jack on
a camera specifically you want to get a close-upon that mic jack now you don' t
need to really overthink this and make it look super cinematic and super cool
if you’re just getting started with video then keep it simple and just taking
the time to get that b-roll whether it looks gorgeous or not is really going to
improve your video tip number four islet to the point I' ve seen a lot of
review videos online and one of the biggest mistakes that they make is they
include like a 10-minute vlog before they actually review the product and Think
people when they see a product review video.
they want to get right intuit they Knight
necessarily care about the vlog but they care about this and so they' ll skip
forward and that sometimes can actually hurt the YouTube algorithm and it won' recommend
your video as much to get on the right side of the YouTube algorithmic
definitely recommend getting to the point and starting with your review right
away now this is where the script comes in handy so it can help you kind of
stay on track and get right to the point now of course it' s very important to
be creative to be unique and to experiment so definitely feel free to do that
as well but the point here really is to be thinking about the viewer what’s it
that they want when you' reaching a review video what is it that you enjoy it
when someone reviews product so be creative but also keep unmind the viewer and
what it is that they want when watching your video now before get to the fifth
tip I' d love if you like this video and comment down below what kind of
questions do you have focusable we' ll answer your question in the next video.
also stay to the end of the video for our free
resource on the strategy we use to make over four thousand dollars a month
making product review videos alright so tip number fives to create a powerful
title thumbnail and tags in your YouTube video now title and thumbnail are so
important because that is what causes someone to actually click onto your video
now if you look in the YouTube studio there' s something called click-through
rate and you want that percentage as high as possible and this is what is going
to cause YouTube to send your video to more and more people to increase this
number of your click-through rate you want something that is going to cause
people to clicks you want to be thinking about your title you also want to be
thinking about that thumbnail for the actual thumbnail what you want to do is
when you' reshooting b-roll you' re getting all the video but you actually want
to turn your camera to photo mode and get some really good high quality photos
while you' re atilt getting a really nice photo of the product that you' re
reviewing is going to help you stand out on YouTube.
if you have a really clear and crispy thumbnail
also take a look at the other product or view videos of the product you' reviewing
check out their thumbnails check out their titles look at which ones are the
most viewed and you definitely want to stand out so necessarily copy what they'
re doing but use that as inspiration and then make indifferent for the title
and the tag sit' s very important to utilize the actual product that you' re
reviewing Solet’s say we' re doing a video about the Canon and 50.
we definitely want that phrase in the title
and we also want that in the tags this is going to help with the search engine optimization
because we want people who are searching in YouTube for Kennan and 50 for our
video to pop up at the top of hierarchs also use other tags that are relevant
to the Canon and 50 may be tagged Canon do another one separate that is M 50 you
could use tags that is Canon M 50 and then the lens that you are using on it
and all these things are going to helpyou rank in search a lot of people asked
if tag to actually work and they do so you want to make sure that you retagging
relevant tags to your product into your video now my bonus tip is tousle
affiliate marketing to start making money this is how we make over $4, 000 month
at the media just with Amazon affiliate marketing basically what this means is
that companies will actually pay you a percentage to recommend product on their
site so for example if you' re using Amazon you can become an Amazon affiliate
and you use a link that Amazon gives you for the product that you' re reviewing
and when someone Clackson that link in your description you are going to get a
percentage of however much they spent so with ranking your videos in search and
using affiliate marketing you can see how much money you really can make by
doing this to go in-depth and to learn how you can actually do this then click
on the screen right now and Sean has a free video on YouTube where he talked
all about affiliate marketing and teaches you how to do theses well thanks for
checking out this video I will see you guys in the next one